Home is where the .com is

This must be version 8.0.

The year was 2009, I was a brand-new entrepreneur teaching businesses about this new era called Web 2.0 and these new tools called social media. In every meeting I told folks, “Make sure you buy the domain name for your name. Even if you don’t do anything with it, just buy it!”

JohnMeyer.com was already taken. My name is not unique. When I typed John Meyer into the search bar, Google would say, “Did you mean John Mayer?”

So I bought johntmeyer.com, and that’s when @johntmeyer became my digital moniker.

Today, I’m launching a new version of johntmeyer.com.

This version is meant to be home. A home for all of my digital stuff. A home to describe who I am. A home to share what I believe. A home to capture what I’ve done, but more importantly share what I’m doing. The newsletter is the place for what I will do — that’s the good stuff.

From 2009 to 2023, I’ve been a lot of different people online — entrepreneur, CEO, blogger, video blogger, author, and speaker — so this website has looked a lot of different ways. This has to be about version 8.0 of johntmeyer.com, and I’m excited to show it off to you.

The TLDR: this website is my digital home.

And I’m still just John.


Sarah Klongerbo

Writer, wife, mom. Captivated by beauty. Inspired by story. Lover of langauge, travel, red wine, + the South Dakota sky.


The 437 adventure